welcome to

golden guide

build knowledge, then share it.

we are constantly improving and adding, but as small team, we can only work so fast. we know that we don’t know a lot, so if something’s missing, we might be looking for it or could use your help.

check our faq below to see how you can help make this an even better resource for our communities.


  • golden guide is a registered nonprofit building more collaboration and enabling greater interconnectedness in our community through discovery. it’s one way we believe we can make our communities whole—not just surviving but thriving.

    simply put, it is a community + collaboration platform. through it, we are hoping to create opportunities to: discover. connect. support. collaborate. belong. by building knowledge, connection and collaboration among asian american, native hawaiian + pacific islander (aanhpi) communities everywhere.

  • use the navigation links above! we’ve already created a bunch of pre-filtered searches you can access through the navigation menu above.

  • no. golden guide will always be free to use. forever.

    we don’t believe people should have to pay to have access to their community or its resources.

  • if you identify as asian american, native hawaiian, or pacific islander or any subgroup/population originating in the continent of asia, hawaii, or the pacific islands, we would love to add you to our guide. use the link in the navigation above to submit.

    we highly encourage and welcome folks from historically underrepresented communities because visibility matters, including those from the lgbtqia+/qtpi, south and southeast asian, central and west asian, native hawaiian and pasifika, as well as immigrant and undocumented communities.

  • golden guide is and will always be a starting point. while it does have a significant number of listings, it is by no means comprehensive or definitive. we can always do better and add more.

    the focus of the golden guide is to encourage collaboration and exploration, so if you notice something that's not included, don't hesitate to share! together, we can make the guide even better.

  • sure! we are happy to take suggestions for improvement or thing we overlooked. if you have something you think would benefit the community by sharing, let us know.

    just keep in mind that we are a two-person volunteer team, so some things might take a while to implement, or might have to wait until we have more resources (no matter how badly we may also want it!).

    thank you for your help, your care, and for being patient with us as we work on this together!

  • absolutely. send us an email and let know what listing needs to be updated, and we’ll be in touch.

  • thanks for catching that!

    you can send us an email and let us know! check our contact page for the best way to contact us.

  • yes! you want to create a heatmap or a list or roundup of listings in golden guide? we’d love to see it!

    we just have one small ask: please ask with us first—we might have some ideas on how to partner and help! otherwise, we simply ask that you link back to golden guide as credit.

    that way as many people as possible can also learn about and use golden guide!

  • we’d love to hear more! contact us and we’d love to discuss!